Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gloves Off!

As everyone waits for Barack Obama's VP choice (and I just got a hot tip about who it might be), the candidate has begun to address concerns about whether he's become too laid back in the campaign against John McCain. He's dropped a series of hard hitting commercials describing his opponent as out of touch with the day to day struggles of most Americans.

What's interesting is, unlike McCain's "celebrity" spots, Obama chose not to unveil his ads to the media first. As we told you in previous posts, that has the potential to give a controversial ad a good deal of free publicity. These new ones are unlike Obama's earlier commercials, which tended to focus on his vision. rather than his opponent.

Already the McCain camp is whining, calling Obama's new spots a"sucker punch strategy". Oh really? Until now, it's been McCain who has kept up a drumbeat of negativity against Obama, and if polls are to be believed, it appears to be working. McCain's people are seasoned enough to know crying foul is just a little hypocritical. Notice they have yet to respond to Barack Obama's call for their guy to acknowledge his patriotism.

They're also not commenting about Jerome Corsi's slur filled new book about Obama. And why would they? 

Every little bit helps, true or not. 


1 comment:

sanda said...

Whining with chutzpah. Looking forward to hearing you broadcast from here and Denver. P.S. I grew up in Kensington (went to Erasmus), and for a time, my dad was a mailman in the Kensington PO branch. He moved to main,Man. due his disability due WWII.