Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm Gonna Whip His You Know What

As the final debate between John McCain and Barack Obama looms large, we hear, as always, an awful lot from the "strategists". Of course, a strategist can be almost anybody with an opinion on what either candidate should do. The loudest noise is coming from those in the McCain camp. His campaign seems to be a bit confused as of late, veering back and forth between ill received economic proposals and William Ayers. The big news over the weekend was McCain's pledge to "whip his you know what" on Wednesday.

It's ironic in a way that some of the same pundits who told him to attack Obama's character a couple of weeks ago are now saying he's got to sharpen his focus on the economy. There appears to be a little discord within the campaign itself, leading to rumors of a last minute shuffling of advisors. We'll see.

For the Obama camp, the worst enemy would appear to be thinking it's done already. A quick look at John McCain's recent history should tell the Democrat's campaign it isn't over till it's over. That would be when the last vote is counted. After all, the economy could stabilize, Obama could turn in a lackluster performance at the final debate, and McCain could finally come up with an economic proposal that passes rudimentary muster.

And then there's the issue of actual voter suppression. There have been numerous allegations of same, right now flying under the radar, but which collectively could make a giant difference in a close race. A case can be made the Obama campaign will be able to fight these efforts off, but it will be a battle. Then there is the unknown factor of what Barack Obama will do with that chunk of airtime he's buying.

But that's not for awhile yet. Let's see if McCain can truly open a can of whup-a** this Wednesday.

1 comment:

sanda said...

I am concerned that much of the leadership has ignored for almost four years, voter suppression. Bobby Kennedy Jr. has been working on it and Rep.John Conyers did that thorough report on OH voter suppression after hearings. Every so often, I tune in to the Obama campaign link, on the campaign website, of live coverage from on the road. It's hard to listen to my candidate, Obama, aiming at the Independents,or those who are still undecided. (I'm a Kucinich supporter voting for Obama since a)Obama is the candidate and b)the HISTORY of Obama running for Pres. and hopefully winning. It ain't over 'til it's over, as the baseball fans know.

I have a homeless friend. I asked my spouse to get registration forms for my friend (and extras). He got them to my pal on the street, for me, and I am happy to say that the 3l year old guy has sent in his registration form. His first registration. This "kid" to me, (I'm older than you, Mark.)grew up in Manhattan, was schooled in Manhattan and has been unemployed and on the street for over 2 years. Can't find a job. He is going to cast his first vote on Nov.4. Every vote is important. Every person is important.