Monday, November 17, 2008

Hillary to State?

Of all the subjects covered during the Obama's interview on 60 Minutes, the most fascinating for political junkies had to be whether he'd name Senator Hillary Clinton to his cabinet, specifically Secretary of State. The president-elect was coy, neither confirming nor denying the possibility. The Clinton camp has also not said much. If you look across the arc of the presidential campaign, you'd see Senator Clinton denying several times she was interested in a cabinet post. That was then, this is now.

Certainly she's got the chops for the job. There would be no worries about on the job training. The only problem for Barack Obama is the fact that there appears to be a crowded field of hopefuls. Senator John Kerry, an early supporter, has reportedly lobbied for the job. Latino groups are lobbying for New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. Still others are being touted as dark horses for the job.

Hillary Clinton, if she really wants it, will probably be Obama's choice. What better way to end all those media reports about lingering tension from the campaign trail? Despite all that, there's ample evidence Senator Clinton and the president-elect share similar views on foreign policy matters. She'd have no problem articulating his agenda. If offered, the job would be too tempting for her to resist, despite all the talk about wanting to remain in the Senate.

Should she be appointed, there would be an interesting scramble here in New York to succeed her. The choice would be up to Gov. David Paterson, and already there's speculation he'd name Cong. Nydia Velasquez to Clinton's seat. The Latino community in New York has been unhappy about what they feel is insufficient representation in top state positions. What better way to mollify Latino elected officials than to name one of their number to the Senate? It doesn't hurt that Cong. Velasquez was a vocal Clinton supporter during the primaries.

But all that is down the road. The question now is, should President Elect Obama name Hillary Clinton Secretary of State?
You tell me.

1 comment:

sanda said...

Hillary Clinton as Sec'y of State doesn't have a good feel to me. It certainly looks like another "no change" appointment. I can understand his appointments of his Chicago colleagues/friends in the posts he's already chosen. But too many Clintonites already. And the transition team, according to a Goodman and Michael Ratner, on DemocracyNow with Amy Goodman on Obama's intelligence transition team, this morning, is very worrisome.