Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Waiting With Baited Breath

We're now told Barack Obama will name his running mate tomorrow. Or is it Thursday? Anyway, it will be this week, won't it? Chances are it will, since next week is the Democratic National Convention. Names that were prominent just a month ago have seemingly faded from contention. Some media are calling it a three horse race, and some say (and hope) Obama's rival for the nomination isn't out of it yet.

All this is a tribute to how closely held the vetting and selection process has been for this candidate. The New York Times says no more than half a dozen people were in it during the home stretch, and obviously none are talking. The decision to let supporters in on the choice by text message is a smart one. It reinforces Obama's bond with young people, since they comprise the bedrock of the "text nation". Yet there's a lingering question remaining as we all wait with baited breath.

What difference will this all make? Do Americans actually vote for or against a candidate based on who the vice presidential candidate is? Certainly Dick Cheney, if he's done nothing else these past eight years, has redefined the power of the office. However, there's no guarantee either candidate will let his second in command harangue the intelligence community or set energy policy the way Cheney did.

So we wait, and hope Barack Obama's choice will stun and amaze us. 


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