Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Who Won? That One!

Debate #2 between John McCain and Barack Obama had a different format than the first one. The candidates took questions from the audience in Nashville and from the Internet. Tom Brokaw fretted too many times about how long their answers were. And John McCain came nowhere near scoring the knockout the pundits said he'd need to revive his sagging fortunes.

He did have one interesting new proposal. Well, not really new. He'd have Uncle Sam buy up all those toxic mortgages out there, keeping homeowners in their houses. It would cost about $300 billion dollars. It's also not that different from a proposal floated by congressional Democrats.

If last night's debate was notable for anything, it was two words that seemed to be a mirror into McCain's soul. When firing back on energy policy, McCain talked about the Bush-Cheney energy bill of '05. He said, "You know who voted for it? That one". That one! For many people, that bit of objectifying was beyond an insult. Dollars to donuts McCain will have to answer what he was thinking when he said it later today.

Maybe he wasn't thinking at all. Maybe his contempt for Obama is so great that the phrase just came tripping off his tongue. Or, as some black folks have posited on blogs and boards this morning, did McCain actually mean "That one, the Negro guy"? Some people will argue black Americans are far too thin skinned about such slights. However, substitute any other candidate who has run for president in the past, and ask yourself if McCain would have used the same language.

John McCain sees the unique opportunity to become president fading before his very eyes. No matter what his spinners say, he knows he didn't win the hearts and minds of independent or undecided voters last night. That was his mission. He didn't succeed. Now, one supposes he'll have to go back to the well worn attacks on Obama's "associations", at least until his handlers wake up and realize that won't work either.

Who lost last night's debate? That one!


sanda said...

Mark, I am answering your question before careful reading of your statement. Like you, I do not like to be influenced first. I thought the debate was boring, but it was aimed at the "undecided"...a group that mystifies me.

I heard the low "that one" (radio),which I see reference to on your blog,skimmed it to get question. It got a gut "uh,what?" when I heard it.

I noticed that Brokaw repeatedly thanked MCain his answers, but not Obama, who I thought he was rude to at one early spot. I only stayed awake, so I wouldn't "miss" something. Eh. Ditto for spouse. They have got to change the format.....I got a "what did you think?" from Obama campaign (because I once linked to it) and I told them. Yours is the first blog I am visiting this morning. Then to DailyKos and HuffPo. Late start today due the "debate".

jafabrit said...

Claims of people being thin skinned is just an excuse to dismiss something they don't understand, they agree with or don't want to acknowledge. In and of itself it was contemptuous and rude, but looking at the general pattern of the mccain/palin campaign and the response of their supporters at their rally's it is hardly surprising that people might see a racial undertone.

sanda said...

I have read your blog, Mark. If I may comment on a comment? I am Jewish and when I heard the "that one", I thought it had racist tone to it, based on my age and experience. How usual is it for a Senator to address another US Senator as "that one" in a widely broadcast forum?

Unknown said...

Look a what the McCain party is doing now. This is getting out of hand.