Friday, October 24, 2008

Won't be Blogging for Awhile

I won't be blogging for about a week. My brother Clayton passed away early this morning. I will miss him terribly.


Anonymous said...

So very sorry to hear of your loss, Mark. As a regular listener to Politics-Plus. I often heard you speak of your older brother Clayton, with so much love and adoration. He was clearly one of your favorite people.

God's blessing of peace and strength to you and yours.

NAVORN said...

Mark, we are so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother Clayton. Our condolences to you and to your family, and we wish you the strength and love you will need to help you get through this terrible time. We are sure we speak for all your listeners when we say that you are in our prayers.

Very Truly Yours,
L. Johnson

Robin Vee said...

Mark - so sorry to learn of Clayton's illness, but know you and family will find solace in the fact that the suffering is over. He's the reason I have the nerve to call myself a writer and I will always remember him in my creative writing class at New Lincoln exhorting us to do better, be better! What a teacher, actor, activist, what a wonderful man, what a legacy!

sanda said...

Mark, I am one of the many who send my sympathy and say that I have heard Clayton Riley's shows on WBAI. And you speak of him. Wish I had more eloquence. Sincerely,Sanda